Create a Spiral Drawing with JavaScript and canvasSketch

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Learn how to code a spiral drawing using the canvasSketch library in JavaScript. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide with explanations.

The canvasSketch library in JavaScript allows you to create interactive visuals within your web browser. This guide demonstrates how to code a spiral drawing using canvasSketch. We’ll cover setting up the environment and implementing the spiral effect.


We will be using CanvasSketch to organise our code. It is a collection of tools, modules and resources for creating generative art in JavaScript and the browser.


const canvasSketch = require("canvas-sketch");
const math = require("canvas-sketch-util/math");
const random = require("canvas-sketch-util/random");
const settings = {
dimensions: [1080, 1080],
const sketch = () => {
return ({ context, width, height }) => {
// Fill the background with white
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Set fill style to black for the following shapes
context.fillStyle = "black";
* rest of the code ....

Setting up

Import the necessary libraries

  • canvas-sketch
  • canvas-sketch-util/math
  • canvas-sketch-util/random

Finding the canvas center

Calculate the center coordinates (x and y) by dividing the width and height by 2 and storing them in variables like cx and cy.

Shaping the rectangle

Define the width (w) and height (h) of the rectangles as a percentage of the canvas size.

Creating the spiral

Use a loop to iterate through a set number of rectangles (num).
Inside the loop:

  • Calculate the angle (angle) for each rectangle’s placement using math.degToRad(360 / num).
  • Find the x and y coordinates (x and y) of the rectangle’s center using the angle, radius, sine, and cosine functions.
  • Use to store the current drawing state.
  • Translate the origin to the center of the rectangle using context.translate(x, y).
  • Rotate the context by the negative of the calculated angle using context.rotate(-angle).
  • Scale the rectangle horizontally with a random value between 1 and 3 using context.scale(random.range(1, 3), 1).
  • Define the rectangle’s shape using context.rect and offset it slightly from the center.
  • Fill the rectangle with black using context.fill().
  • Restore the previously saved drawing state using context.restore().

Check out this other post where I explain save and restore : Understanding save and restore

// Calculate the center coordinates of the canvas
const cx = width * 0.5;
const cy = height * 0.5;
// Calculate the width and height of the rectangle to be drawn
const w = width * 0.01;
const h = height * 0.1;
let x, y;
const num = 12;
const radius = width * 0.3;
// Loop to draw multiple rectangles in a spiral pattern
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// Calculate the angle for each rectangle placement
const slice = math.degToRad(360 / num);
const angle = slice * i;
// Calculate the x and y coordinates for the rectangle's center
x = cx + radius * Math.sin(angle);
y = cy + radius * Math.cos(angle);
// Save the current drawing state (transformations applied here won't affect future elements);
// Move the origin (0, 0) to the center of the current rectangle
context.translate(x, y);
// Rotate the context by the negative of the calculated angle for a spiral effect
// Randomly scale the rectangle horizontally between 1 and 3 times its original size
context.scale(random.range(1, 3), 1);
// Define a rectangle with a slight offset from the center based on its width and height
context.rect(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, w, h);
// Fill the rotated rectangle with black
// Restore the previously saved drawing state (important to avoid affecting subsequent rectangles)

Key concepts

Radians and Degres

While angles can be measured in degrees (e.g., 45 degrees), trigonometry functions typically work with radians. Radians are a unit of angular measurement based on the ratio of the arc length to the circle’s radius. There are 2π radians in a full circle (360 degrees). The math.degToRad() function in canvasSketch helps us convert degrees to radians for compatibility with the trigonometric functions.

Calculating the angle

Inside the loop, we calculate the angle (angle) for each rectangle’s placement. The formula is angle = math.degToRad(360 / num) * i, where i represents the current iteration number (0 to num-1). This essentially divides the full circle (360 degrees) into num equal angles in radians.

Leveraging Sine and Cosine

Now comes the magic! We use the calculated angle (angle) with the sine (sin(angle)) and cosine (cos(angle)) functions to determine the x and y coordinates of the rectangle’s center. These coordinates are relative to the center of the canvas (which we might have stored in variables like cx and cy).

  • X-Coordinate: We calculate the x-coordinate by multiplying the radius with the cosine of the angle (radius * cos(angle)). As the angle increases, the cosine value oscillates between 1 (positive x-axis) and -1 (negative x-axis), creating the horizontal movement of the rectangles in the spiral.
  • Y-Coordinate**: Similarly, the y-coordinate is calculated by multiplying the radius with the sine of the angle (radius * sin(angle)). The sine value oscillates between 1 (positive y-axis) and -1 (negative y-axis), resulting in the vertical movement of the rectangles, forming the spiral pattern.